Don't get fish, Learn to fish, Eat ever after.....

You have heard of internet probably even have people around you reaping a fortune in silence! Kode 254 will not eat alone! This page will give you exclusive insights and leads on how to join this class of MASONKO! Just keep tabs on it and see just how easy it gets.
You'll get a step by step guide of how to set out into the ocean and get more fish than your boat can carry!

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Would you set out on a voyage without a compass, would you set on journey without a slight idea of the direction to your destination?

The first step is to make sure that you are tuned in the money-frequency!
  1. Please ensure you download, read and understand the 254 start-up kit of             The ultimate orientation and The take off.
  2. Open a business friendly email here.
  3. Open an online money account here.
  4. Open another online money account here.
Congratulations! You are now money-compliant!

Learning never ends...and progressive learning means progressive earning! Below is a search bar we keep updating with the latest information on e-commerce and the GREENEST PASTURES!

simply type keywords like e-commerce, rich, dollar, new, best, worst, pay, success, finance, freedom e.t.c into the space and hit search!
To your enlightenment!

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....And now This!

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